Martina Claussen Stefanie Sixt Kerstin Skringer Artoxin

Artist Talk Martina Claussen Stefanie Sixt Kerstin Skringer Artoxin

Artist Talk Martina Claussen Stefanie Sixt Kerstin Skringer Artoxin

Artist Talk Martina Claussen Stefanie Sixt Kerstin Skringer Angelika Donhärl Artoxin

Martina Claussen live Performance Artoxin

Martina Claussen live Performance Artoxin

Artist Talk Martina Claussen Stefanie Sixt Kerstin Skringer Artoxin

Artist Talk Martina Claussen Stefanie Sixt Kerstin Skringer Artoxin

Artist Talk Martina Claussen Stefanie Sixt Kerstin Skringer Artoxin
In the collaborative creative process of the artists, the works are inspired both by thematic discourse and by the exchange of objects or audio, which serve as starting points for artistic processing. Recorded conversations become part of the sound, noises inspire the film, and vice versa. Among other elements, attributes of the artificial beauty industry, such as lipstick and implants, become motifs or material.
In this way, the collective influences each other, sharpening their individual positions throughout the creative process.
The installation will be presented at the exhibition BEAUTY ON THE EDGE II @galerie_artoxin , Munich
Opening: 6 September 2024 at 6 pm during

12.04.2024 – 02.06.2024
Artist Talk 12.04., 19h MIT LIVE PERFORMANCE
Mit dem Projekt 'Beauty on the Edge' formulieren die Künstlerinnen Martina Claussen (Sound), Kerstin Skringer (Malerei), Lydia Daher (Foto/Text) und Stefanie Sixt (Video) im Rahmen einer Audiovisuellen Installation ihre Positionen zu gesellschaftlichen Erwartungshaltungen und von Klischees bestimmten Normen für Frauen. Welche unsichtbaren, verdrängten und entwerteten Realitäten spielen sich an den Rändern dieser Normen ab? In einem dialogischen kreativen Prozess mischen sich die Künstlerinnen in aktuelle Diskussionen ein (z.B. um Sorgearbeit, Stellenwert des Äußeren versus des Inneren) und schaffen eine Ausstellung, in der sich Erlebtes und Gelebtes, Privates und Politisches verweben.
/"With the project 'Beauty on the Edge,' the artists Martina Claussen (Sound), Kerstin Skringer (Painting), Lydia Daher (Photo/Text), and Stefanie Sixt (Video) articulate their positions on societal expectations and norms for women defined by stereotypes. What invisible, suppressed, and devalued realities unfold at the margins of these norms? In a dialogical creative process, the artists engage in current discussions (e.g., about care work, the importance of appearance versus inner qualities) and create an exhibition where lived experiences intertwine with the personal and the political."