manhattan connected is an artistic trip through the underground of NYC shot in 2001 and re-edited in 2006. it was shot right after 09/11 and instead of a busy rush hour ambience we found an almost meditative atmosphere. the lyrics of the movie, spoken by the famous synchron voice of samual jackson and marlon brando, helmut krauss was written by albrecht schaeffer. his grandson laurens schneider (r.i.p.) created reliefs out of wachs, coated in gold leafs, tracing the subway map of NYC.

the video artist stefanie sixt traveled to NYC together with laurens schneider to capture the subway impressions with her camera and to later edit the movie to the sound of john schenk and erin anderson from philadelphia.
the title animation was done by andrea bitai, philadelphia.

more than 10 years after its´ production i think it is time to share it with all of you. enjoy.

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